Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Many of Jquery UI´s interactions don´t work on touch enabled devices (tablets, smartphones). David Furfero wrote a jQuery UI plugin/hack to make it work: jQuery UI Touch-Punch. This very simple module enables the Touch-Punch plugin for Drupal using the libraries module.

Note: this library won´t work for Drupal´s core tabledrag functionality, as tabledrag.js doesn´t use jQuery UI.


  • Install the libraries module (2.x)
  • Download the Touch-punch file on http://touchpunch.furf.com and place it in the folder_to_libraries/touchpunch/ folder
  • Enable the module.
  • Just use the normal jQuery UI functions that are supported by Touch Punch in your custom theme or module.



Please use the issue queue for any requests or bug reports.


The plugin (http://touchpunch.furf.com/) was written by David Furfero aka Furf. This module was written by Teun van Veggel (Nuez Web Solutions).

Project information