Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

New features and bugfixes will be added to Taxonomy Image instead. Make sure you follow these steps when upgrading:

  1. Delete the taxonomy_icon.install file. This is very important! You might loose your field data when skipping this step. Double check this!
  2. Disable taxonomy_icon.
  3. Uninstall taxonomy_icon.
  4. Download the Drupal 7 version of taxonomy_image and enable it.
  5. Goto the manage display pages and reconfigure the display settings: Select taxonomy_icon as the source field.


Adds a new display format to taxonomy term references. If you select it on the manage display, an image field instance is added to the corresponding vocabulary terms. Once you edit your terms you can upload an icon that replaces the text.

Project information