Content moderation concurrent edit notify - preview unpublished
Content moderation concurrent edit notify - preview published
Content moderation concurrent edit notify - preview settings


Visually notify users if a new revision is saved by another user when editing a moderated entity.

Require core Drupal 9 module Content moderation

For Drupal 9+

Use cases

When at least two editors are editing the same moderated entity (not published or published).
If one editor save from draft to a published state, the other editor will not be able to save the form, ended up with an error message from Drupal Core:

The content has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications. As a result, your changes cannot be saved.

This module alert the editor before saving.
The common use case is to alert the user and avoid a long edition being compromised or wasted.

An other use case is based on the fact that if the concurrent revision is kept in the same published or unpublished state, a new revision is created. If the first user save a draft change and then the second user save it, the first user changes will be in the previous revision and probably lost.
With this module the user is aware before saving that he will create a new revision over the other editor revision.


At specific interval (default 30s, can be edited), an async request is performed while editing a moderated content to check if the current revision is outdated.
If so, a message is displayed on top of the form and before the save button so the editor can take any action before saving and overriding or loosing any change.

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