Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


  • This module allows to disable the site hash query by index.
  • It also provides a views field handler to display data from the as stored in Solr


We have one Solr indexing server core configured on two sites.
A Drupal Site A is indexing nodes on "default_node_index".
Another Drupal Site B is configured to read nodes from "default_node_index". This Site B instance of Drupal does not have the indexed fields present as in Site A.

In order for data to be pulled in Site B:

  • the site hash filter has to removed from query
  • you need to enable on SOLR server the option "Retrieve result data from Solr"
  • In Views use the "Multisite Solr raw data" field. You need to know the solr index key

Important Notice

Please note that when using this module you no longer can use field formatters! You will most likely see errors when attempting to use field handlers.
This means you will rely on the provided field handler called "Multisite Solr raw data". The reason for this is that we no longer can use the item_id as a unique id for our entities. When the site hash is removed from the query, there can be multiple entities with the same ID indexed from multiple sites. Therefor, in order to have the correct results we rely on the Solr document id. This usually uses the pattern {hash}-{index-name}-{entity-id}.

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Created by mihai_brb on , updated