Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Camera Clubs run competitions for projected images, these used to be slides but are now done using digital projectors. For these competitions to run smoothly images must be submitted in the correct format.

This module accepts uploads of jpeg or tiff files and adds title and author meta-data and resizes the image. It does not alter the colour space of the image. If XMP meta-data is already attached to the file it doesn't attempt to change it so author and title are not set.

It is intended for people who are new to photography and projected image competitions and who shoot in jpeg in the sRGB colour space. People like this often struggle with resizing images and often don't know what meta-data is.

Treat this as an example, it isn't adequate for production use.

Project information

  • Module categories: Media
  • Created by MartinTomes on , updated