Defines which roles can add new taxonomy terms when using the autocomplete widget.

  • Adds 1 permission per vocabulary: "Add terms in %term via autocomplete"
  • Integrates with Features (permission naming based on taxonomy machine name, not vid)
  • Co-exists with Taxonomy Access Fix (administrative interface equivalent)


Drupal 7 taxonomy defines permission to edit or delete terms, but not whether a user can add terms (entity references do define this permission, as does Drupal 8). Short of patching core, there is currently no way to allow some roles the ability to add a taxonomy term via the autocomplete widget and restrict other roles.

Content Taxonomy defines, per widget instance, whether new items can be added via the autocomplete. There is no way to differentiate permission by role, which is how core edit/delete taxonomy permissions are defined.

Taxonomy Access Fix tries to implement taxonomy addition as a permission, but does not account for the autocomplete widget, which leaves a clearly unintended permissions gap.

Drupal 8?

Drupal 8 provides this permission level inherently, as taxonomies are entities, and therefore this module will be deprecated in Drupal 8.

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