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tl;dr version Try HeatMap for Drupal in action.

The HeatMap module records the users of the website and displays the aggregated activity in form of heat maps of mouse movement, heat maps of clicks and also gradient maps of scroll heights.

This gives you the power to keep this kind of business intelligence on your own Drupal storage instead of having to use external tools or services.

Bundled with the module are plugin modules for saving to CouchDB or Elasticsearch since relational databases in general are not
scalable under load.


As this module is not in a stable release yet, you should probably use any of the following modules on a production website until HeatMap is stable.

If you want to use an really good external PHP library and integrate it you can also look at the module Click HeatMap.

If you want to pay for using external heatmap services due to performance problems you can look at CrazyEgg Integration, Mouseflow or Clicktale


HeatMap requires Library module to be installed as well as the heatmap.js javascript to be installed into the libraries directory.

The HeatMap Elasticsearch module requires the Elasticsearch Connector module to be installed.

The HeatMap CouchDB module requires PHP-curl to be installed.


GeoIP - If you install and enable GeoIP you will have the option to filter the heat maps on country level.

MemCache - This is highly recommended to install. With Memcache enabled the statistical data will be written to memory for a certain amount of time before being bulk-written to persistent storage.


1. Copy the heatmap.js files into your libraries directory so it looks like {libraries}/heatmap.js-develop/build/heatmap.js

2. Install as you would normally install a contributed module

3. Visit admin/config/system/heatmap and setup the settings as you want (read more under configuration).

4. If you have the permission "View HeatMap" and you visit a theme and page that collects data you will see a tab on the top right side, click this to see the data for the page you are visiting.


There are two permissions to HeatMap - one to configure HeatMap settings and the other one to view HeatMap data.


I did a writeup that can be read here: Drupal heat maps and user flows


Q. Why do I see scrolling that occurs under the bottom of my page?
A. If you have a responsive design the height of the page may differ depending on the width of the page, thus being higher on certain devices.

Q. Why do I have to choose width?
A. It has the option to show everything, but this requires that you fill in the selector where your content starts. Also this will give very false information if you have a responsive design since people might not see the page as it is rendered to you. Because of this the best thing to do is to choose a width and scale your window too the size of that width to get optimal results.

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