Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Drupal 7 only for now.


Extension for the Services module returning a JSON formatted error message instead of a WSOD with error info only through the HTTP header. In many cases this is needed by the application making the request to react appropriate. At the same time it outputs human readable output, hinting developers directly what is going on in the browser.


Any code and message set with the function services_error($message, $code = 0, $data = NULL) by the Services module or in a custom [YOUR-SERVICE].service.inc file is respected. That way you can provide API specific error data for your service.

Some examples

Using a fallback when no message has been set

    "error": {
        "code": 404,
        "message": "Not Found"

Respecting the services_error() set by the Services module

    "error": {
        "code": 401,
        "message": "Unauthorized : Missing required argument custom_query_parameter"

Respecting the services_error() set by a custom service API

    "error": {
        "code": 404,
        "message": "Not found : The nid 49414 is not published and not of the content type my_content_type"

It also writes a log message

  watchdog('services', 'REST service execute error with status code %code - %message', array(
    '%code' => $error_alter_array['code'],
    '%message' => $message,

List of supported fallback codes and messages if no message is found

Based on https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html.

code: 100, message: 'Continue'
code: 101, message: 'Switching Protocols'
code: 200, message: 'Something went wrong' Note: code for OK but when it arrives here something went wrong.
code: 201, message: 'Created'
code: 202, message: 'Accepted'
code: 203, message: 'Non-Authoritative Information'
code: 204, message: 'No Content'
code: 205, message: 'Reset Content'
code: 206, message: 'Partial Content'
code: 300, message: 'Multiple Choices'
code: 301, message: 'Moved Permanently'
code: 302, message: 'Moved Temporarily'
code: 303, message: 'See Other'
code: 304, message: 'Not Modified'
code: 305, message: 'Use Proxy'
code: 400, message: 'Bad Request'
code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized'
code: 402, message: 'Payment Required'
code: 403, message: 'Forbidden'
code: 404, message: 'Not Found'
code: 405, message: 'Method Not Allowed'
code: 406, message: 'Not Acceptable'
code: 407, message: 'Proxy Authentication Required'
code: 408, message: 'Request Time-out'
code: 409, message: 'Conflict'
code: 410, message: 'Gone'
code: 411, message: 'Length Required'
code: 412, message: 'Precondition Failed'
code: 413, message: 'Request Entity Too Large'
code: 414, message: 'Request-URI Too Large'
code: 415, message: 'Unsupported Media Type'
code: 500, message: 'Internal Server Error'
code: 501, message: 'Not Implemented'
code: 502, message: 'Bad Gateway'
code: 503, message: 'Service Unavailable'
code: 504, message: 'Gateway Time-out'
code: 505, message: 'HTTP Version not supported'
code: ???, message: 'Unknown http status code'

Drupal 7 only (for now).

Get it

Sandbox projects like this one do not have a download link. To get it you should install git on your system and follow the instructions found in the Version control tab at the top of this page.

Supporting organizations: 
Development time

Project information