Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Moved to project FCK

Here: https://drupal.org/sandbox/lo2y4/2018089

This modules introduces fields containing many boxes, each box representing a column of the field in database.

On settings.php you define what kind of fields you require, eg: Text field with 4 boxes, Text field with 30 boxes, int field with 8 boxes
Then in hook_schema does field were going to be defined, In hook_field_info made available to Drupal.

All of them shared the same widget, widget has this settings:
Caption of every box (If they had any), Validations such as number range, text length,

It's also a nice future to make some of those boxes auto complete, or a select list.

Right now there is only a very limited widget that accepts some captions. There is no display formatter! Nothing will be displayed.
Inspired by "address field" I wanted to make it plugable using ctools, integrated with views, (rules if needed), And feeds.
The bigger problem is need of settings.php
The biggest problem is that Indexes (on database tables) are not customization through module, or maybe not, It would be better done by hand in database.

Project information