Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module allows content in a subgroup to inherit content access from its group, or a parent/grandparent group. Essentially, it copies the node access rules on the parent group.

In order for this module to work, you must install Subgroups for Organic Groups and apply this patch.

This module assumes the following:

1) *use group default* is private for public group whose parent (or grandparent) is a private group, private for private group, public for public group. This is the only change this module implements.

2) *public* content is public to the world - default

3) *private* content is private to the group - default

This code currently has no caching, and it uses a database query for some of the logic. This might not be the absolute best thing for your situation, hence, it is a sandbox project.

Project information

  • Created by liberatr on , updated