Display Date Fields using the Calendar Link Formatter

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Turns Date fields into links to a Calendar View (or any view that accepts Date as a Contextual Filter).

Example: If your date field is for November 20th, the field will now be wrapped in a link to calendar/day/2014-11-20. If you choose a different display you can link to calendar/month/2014-11 or calendar/week/2014-W48 and so on.

This module is a wrapper of the built-in Date module display formatter that lets you choose a Views display to link to, as long as that view accepts a Date argument. The formatter will detect the appropriate granularity from the filter (Day, Week, Month, Year) and send the appropriate argument when you click on the date.

You can use any date formatter you like, including custom types you make in the Regional and Language settings.

Development sponsored by Chautauqua Institution and Proctors

Project information