TheatreManager Ticketlink

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Provides a few formatters to turn product IDs into links to a back-end sales site, and a universal setting to enable them with a "sales disabled" message block.

Specifically if you are using TheatreManager this module will make it easy to link from your Drupal nodes to the web store.

Example product links

Any URL with a simple ID in it can be used by customizing the options. The simplest kind is Event Link

Examples (where %s is the ID in the link):

Events with multiple performances

The Performance Link formatter is intended to be used on a field within a Field Collection, in case there are multiple performances associated with one Event.

Finally is Node Link. This link will take you directly to the store (Performance Link) unless there is more than one row in the Field Collection.

Links can be disabled site-wide

One feature of this module allows a user to disable all the Ticket Links from an admin screen, if they have the permission to do so. This also allows you to set a message in a block indicating that sales are disabled.

On-Sale Dates and End Dates

The display can be configured to hide a link until a certain date, or to hide the links after the event has ended. This prevents confusion on the part of your customers, should they try to click on a link before sales have started, or after the event has passed.

Development sponsored by Proctors

Project information

  • Created by liberatr on , updated