Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

JS_CDN module makes possible to replace Drupal's internal version of jQuery with one much more modern version hosted on Google CDN. Also you can grab from Google CDN jQuery UI, Prototype, Scriptacolous & Mootools modern versions in order to use them in your site.

Grabbing JS files from a CDN has some advantages:

  • decreased latency
  • increased pararelism
  • better caching

Note that due some problems with AJAX, original jQuery version (1.4.4) is used anyway for administration pages.

Note, also, that this module allows you to disable entirely jQuery, which probably will cause javascript errors in Drupal. Use at your own risk. If you decide so, i suggest you disable javascript globally for your site.

This module is a fork from Vino Rodrigues (vinorodrigues) jQuery CDN module [http://drupal.org/project/jquerycdn]

Project information

  • Created by leandro713 on , updated