Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

With views pipes, values output by a view (the output view) can be used as input to a second view (the input view).

A case for using the module might be when a site developer needs to exclude the results of one view from another view.

For example, to create a view showing all users who have not authored an article, (which is not easy, dare it be said impossible, using Views alone) do the following:

  1. Add a view that displays all users - this will be the input view.
  2. In the contextual filter settings of this view add a uid filter. Ensure that it can accept multiple values and that they are excluded - these settings can be found by expanding the collapsible fieldset labelled 'More' at the bottom of the contextual filter settings.
  3. Add another view displaying all users who are authors of articles. Important: it must be a table. This is the output view.
  4. Add a uid field to this view. This provides the output.
  5. In the Views Pipes overview page add a new Views Pipe.
  6. Give it a name, ensure it is enabled, use the select boxs to drill down to the output field and the input argument from the two views and then save.
  7. Display the input view.

Users who have created articles should no longer be present.

Project information

  • Created by knoboid on , updated