Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This is a sandbox project which allows importing of a back up file from the Gramps genealogy package into Drupal.

It consists of two parts:

  1. granny: a features based module that defines entitites, views, and such
  2. migrate_gramps: a migration module that includes the XML parser, defines how the XML is to be parsed and the results being put into Drupal

The goal is to present the data entered into gramps within the context of a Drupal website.

This is currently very rough, the import mostly works (some parts such as media are still missing), but there are few views defined to actually show the data.

See README.txt for instructions.

While it is possible to edit the data after import, this is not encouraged as there is currently no way to get the data back into gramps.

It is planned to rectify that, especially as a means to check the consistency of the import.

I may be adding a migration from either the XML or Drupal to the neo4j graph database.

Project information