Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Scalable Vector Graphic User Interface widgets for mocking up Drupal sites.

Based on the fabulous work done by Nica Lorber and Floor Van Herrewegh from Chapter Three outlined at various Drupal events and in this blog post Design for Drupal: a Template Approach. And the balsamiq widgets by Stephanie at Top Notch Themes outlined on the Fusion site Easier Wireframing with Drupal Components for Balsamiq Mockups

Floor and Nica advocate using Fireworks to create Drupal Design templates. It's a great approach, but fireworks isn't open source, doesn't run on Linux, and saves open standard PNG files with proprietary extensions - so I've started turning their template into an SVG based file. I'm also including more generic elements based on Stephanie's Balsamiq widgets.

This isn't even 1% complete - but I hope to get there eventually - and aim to add widgets based on other themes, such as stark, seven and bartik.

I hope others might help too to create a resource we can share :)

Project information

  • Created by kattekrab on , updated