Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Promote module is made for sites, where certain members use the site primarily as normal users but sometimes they have tasks that require additional privileges.

What does it do

Promote creates an 'acquire role X' permission for each role. The block provided by this module contains a form with a list of checkboxes of all the acquirable roles of the current user. The user can now acquire and revoke the roles.

How does it work

This module adds and removes roles to users on the fly. Therefore you have to be carefully about depending on the list of the members of an acquirable role. Best practise is to have two roles for each acquirable role. The first role just has the permission to acquire the other role and members are added to this one. The second role has the additional permissions and the members of the first role can dynamically add and remove themself from this role.

Similar modules

Sudo - http://drupal.org/project/sudo
Masquerade - http://drupal.org/project/masquerade
Impersonate User - http://drupal.org/project/impersonate

Project information

  • Created by mokaspar on , updated