Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Mobile theme by device detection persisted in the URL with a query parameter

Device Query Parameter allows setting a specific theme for mobile devices, using a query parameter persisted in the URL for this mobile version.

Mobile Detect API is used to check if it's a mobile device and in that case redirect to the same path with the persisted query parameter (i.e. ?device=mobile). For "desktop" version no parameter is used, except when from a detected mobile device the user wants to force the desktop version. Cookies are also used to check the previously detected device if there are no parameter in the URL query string.

Just configure (at admin/config/search/device-query-parameter) the mobile theme and the parameter values for mobile and desktop, and also the device parameter key at Persistent URL configuration.


Mobile Detect API
Persistent URL > 1.0-beta1+11-dev

Project information

  • Created by juanolalla on , updated