Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Abandoned - I should stop trying to reinvent the wheel. You'd think I'd learn it's far easier to use what the people before you have created after this long...

Yet Another Node Access ModuleTM

This module allows you to control access to nodes by role and various other criteria.


  • Can give certain roles access to the universal access checkbox
  • Can give certain roles creation privileges to certain content types, but force someone with global access privileges to give it the okay for everyone to see it
  • Can define who 'everyone' is - i.e. can universally block access from anonymous users, ...
  • Can set access controls for an entire book

Access hierarchy:

  • Global access
  • Per book access
  • Per node access

Permissions added:

[content-type]: Create public content
Allows user to create content which is immediately public. Essentially, this is just a default if the user also has '[content-type]: Control own access' (or higher) because the user can change the visibility. If this is off and the user does not have other permissions, a user who does must allow access to the node.
[content-type]: Control own access
Allows control over visibility of own posts. Overridden by higher settings in the hierarchy above.
[content-type]: Control any access
Allows control over visibility of any individual post. Overriden by higher settings in the hierarchy above.
Control own book access
Allows control over an entire book at once. Overridden by higher settings in the hierarchy above.
Control any book access
Allows control over an entire book at once. Overridden by higher settings in the hierarchy above.
Administer Checkbox Node Access settings
Allows control over every node at once. This should only be given to trusted users.

Note that the later permissions give access to all previous permissions (with the exception of 'Control own book access', which does not grant '[content-type]: Control all access').

The readme (this page) was written first to comply with Readme driven development.

Project information