Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Events as fieldable entities, or eventities as I like to call them. The module's name is actually Event, and I plan on eventually submitting this as a patch for a Drupal 7.x version of Event, but since it's fundamentally different, and the issue queue for Event is the scariest thing I have ever seen, it lives here for now, until it can be feature-matched/completed to the old event.

For when you need an event that's an entity. If you need this, you are probably looking for it. If you want an entity for events, here you go. This is a ready to go out of the box event entity waiting for content. It supports multiple event types (entity bundle), configurable under structure, and adds an 'Events' tab to content administration for adding/removing/lookup of events.

Also works with views, at least for my use cases. Additional features and development to come as needed/requested. I suggest using the Date field module for event time, as it's compatible with pretty much everything else also. If you have a compelling reason to include a date as a property, please feel free to submit a feature request. Plays nicely so far with Registration module if that's your thing.

This whole module is pretty simple but just sort of does what I need it to (meaning I haven't looked over Event in quite some time and it may not meet feature for feature). Enjoy!

Oh and please just rename the module folder to event for now. If this project needs to exist separately from the Event module, it'll go through a quick Event->Eventity rewrite.

Project information