Display of Media plugin showing images from ARTstor's ShareShelf
Add a SharedShelf image using its SSID.
Add image by selecting a Project and optionally one or more of its image sets.
Search SharedShelf content for images to add.
Select search result images to add to Drupal.
Configure the media plugin so that it can access your SharedShelf content.
Configure some default form settings and define how dynamic content displays.
SharedShelf basic metadata stored locally.
Solr search results return media files with content cotaining search strings.

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


This module allows editors to retrieve ARTstor Shared Shelf images. Images are managed in Shared Shelf and users create pointers to them in Drupal. Editors can add images using the Shared Shelf image ID. Or an editor may prefer to select a project (and/or sets within it), as well as search project image metadata to choose images to add as media items. Editors choose their Shared Shelf images within the Media browser, both for fields and within WYSIWYG. The module is only useful to ARTstor Shared Shelf users since you need to have an active account at http://catalog.sharedshelf.artstor.org/login.html

This is in beta development. Just image pointers from Shared Shelf are stored in Drupal. Shared Shelf metadata is searchable from Drupal. Some Shared Shelf image metadata is stored locally as of the 2.0 version of this module.


  • Add using Shared Shelf ID.
  • Add entire Shared Shelf project or set of images.
  • Search Shared Shelf content in all fields using Keywords.
  • Search multiple Shared Shelf projects at once.
  • Perform complex searching using several predefined search filter fields.
  • Stores creator, title, place, date, photographer, worktype, description, and knowledge maps metadata for images locally and includes them in the default view.
  • Search all Shared Shelf metadata content locally by storing a hidden field in Drupal that contains all Shared Shelf fields and values for the item.
  • inline Shared Shelf searching from WYSIWYG editor



Installation Tips

  • If you are installing Apache Solr and Apache Solr File in order to use this module, make sure to read the installation steps for those modules so that they are functioning properly.
  • After installing Apache Solr File, make sure to select the image File type in the Apache Solr configuration.
  • If you get PHP memory errors while trying to index content for Solr, change the items per cron job from the default 50 to something smaller since image files are being indexed. For example, 10 items per cron job when you configure Media SharedShelf to store local image size of 256 should run without memory errors.

Known problems

When using the WYSIWYG embed option to add an image to an article or page, you may find that the image and metadata fields do not display. If you use Filtered or Full HTML text formats you must make sure that no text fields include an email address or URL in them as these types of information are transformed into HTML links. This creation of HTML links will break the JSON data format used in the WYSIWYG view and prevent the content from displaying.


Similar projects

This plugin is similar to the Media: Flickr plugin.

Project information

  • Created by jlk4p on , updated