Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module allows you to host and manage your content in Drupal, but embed it in any other page/website that allows JavaScript.

Here's how it works.

  1. Let's assume that your drupal site's URL is http://drupal.site/. Install and enable this module there. Create one or more pages of content there.
  2. You want to embed the above content in some other site. Let's assume there is a plain HTML page at http://some.other.site/host-page.html
  3. In host-page.html, include the following script tag anywhere<script type="text/javascript" src="http://drupal.site/cms_embed/init"></script>
  4. Now you can have any number of container DIV's in your page that have a special attribute named "data-cms-embed". Like so ...<div data-cms-embed="http://drupal.site/path/to/content">this will be replaced</div>The content inside the DIV will be replaced with the content in http://drupal.site/path/to/content. Not just that, the extra stuff (header, footer, sidebars, blocks etc.) outside the content area will not be fetched.
  5. If you want to further narrow down the parts of the content page that you want to embed, then you can provide an extra attribute named "data-cms-fragment" to the same DIV. Like so ...<div data-cms-embed="http://drupal.site/path/to/content" data-cms-fragment="div#content div.something">this will be replaced</div>Note that the value of "data-cms-fragment" is a jQuery selector.

You can see an example in sample.html file in this module.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and Maintenance

Project information

  • Created by Jitesh Doshi on , updated