Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

PROJECT: Enhancing Drupal's Scheduler Contributed Module.

You may already know about the contributed Drupal 6.x and 7.x module named Scheduler: http://drupal.org/project/scheduler

The Scheduler contributed Drupal module is quite useful and often implemented: http://drupal.org/project/usage/scheduler

In a standard web publishing workflow, an audit trail regarding when nodes have been published is a staple.

LEGACY: Publish date was simply not recorded at all in Drupal core.

Created date is helpful, but approvals and publishing controls / audits are lacking.

CURRENTLY: The Scheduler module installs 'scheduler' table with three fields (nid, publish_on, unpublish_on) for scheduling auto publishing on given future date.

By enabling these two date fields (publish_on, unpublish_on) on the create/edit form for any given content type, scheduler provides us a way to 'schedule' publishing in the future for one single time window.

A cron job runs nightly that checks current date against publish_on and unpublish_on dates and automatically selects/deselects the publish checkbox when appropriate.

Maintainers for Scheduler Module

=> Eric Schaefer - 130 commits - last: 34 weeks ago, first: 4 years ago

=> skiminki - 10 commits - last: 4 years ago, first: 4 years ago
=> AjK - 43 commits - last: 4 years ago, first: 5 years ago
=> deekayen - 4 commits - last: 6 years ago, first: 6 years ago

View all committers View commits http://drupal.org/node/3292/committers


This multi-module project sandbox extends the Scheduler module with features that support flexible and clean publishing audit trails with ad-hoc reporting for Drupal content managers.

Scheduler Module: Problems and known issues…

a. No repeating events with proper publishing audit trail. --> Proposed Module, 'Schedrepeat'.

repeat ENUM('none', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly') DEFAULT 'none'
http://drupal.org/node/1345666 http://drupal.org/node/1176678

b. Selecting Publish checkbox does not auto-populate publish_on date field. --> Proposed Module, 'Schedauto'.

c. Manual changes to publish dates cloud audit trail. --> Proposed Module, 'Promodialer'. http://drupal.org/sandbox/zedzed/1668254

d. Ad-Hoc reporting on this well-maintained publishing audit trail is crucial. --> Proposed Module, 'Pubstats.'

Proposed Module Specifications... https://cacoo.com/diagrams/XxaK4r5EUlsh4yc0

Four modules that depend upon Scheduler are proposed (Schedrepeat, Schedauto, Promodialer, Pubstats).

These four custom modules are being developed here: http://drupal.org/sandbox/jdonson/1683850

Project information