
Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Innovate is an HTML 5 base theme for Drupal. It was primarily inspired by the Panels 960gs theme. Other influences include the 1140 Css Grid and Blueprint. Innovate is designed to work on desktops, ipads, and other mobile devices. It is not intended to be compatible with Internet Explorer 6 and below.

To use this theme, you will need to install ctools and panels.

Also, since IE does not recognize HTML 5 elements out of the box, if you want this theme to work in IE, you will need to download the js file from html5shiv and place it in the theme's scripts folder.

Innovate also supports CSS3 PIE allowing IE to enjoy some of the awesomeness of CSS3 drop shadows and curved corners.

Project information

  • Created by jastraat on , updated