Islandora is an open-source digital asset management framework designed to help institutions and organizations and their audiences collaboratively manage and discover digital assets using a best-practices framework. Islandora was originally developed by the University of Prince Edward Island's Robertson Library, but is now implemented and contributed to by an ever-growing international community.

This module contains the core functionality for Islandora, and contains several submodules that support converting files of various types (images, audio, video, pdfs, etc...). Islandora integrates with various open-source services, which can be run in a distributed environment.

To get a starter site that includes Islandora along with its external-to-Drupal ecosystem, visit our Download page.

Related Modules

These modules are used in the Islandora Ecosystem. This list is a combination of Islandora Foundation sponsored and stewarded tools, and popular third-party contributed modules often used by Islandora users.

Citation Features

  • Citation Select: Adds a block that allows users to select and view citations of a node object from a list of citation styles.
  • Islandora CSL: This Drupal module creates a psuedo field field_islandora_csl on a node of type islandora_object


  • Advanced Queue Runner: This module provides a way to run Advanced queue automatically as daemon without manually using a Drush command or running a Cron job.
  • Media Thumbnails Jp2: This module uses the Media Thumbnails framework to create media entity thumbnails for jp2 files.
  • Media Thumbnails TIFF: This module uses the Media Thumbnails framework to create media entity thumbnails for tiff files.


  • Islandora Mirador: a Drupal module that wraps around the Mirador image viewer
  • OpenSeadragon: Provides a field formatter to display images using the OpenSeadragon viewer, which is compatible with a IIIF server such as Cantaloupe.
  • List Archive Contents Field Formatter: Field formatter for archive files (zip, tar) to display their contents as a list.
  • Player: This module provides a "Web Archive" media type and a field formatter that displays the archive file using
  • CSV File Formatter: Field formatter that renders Comma-Separated Values (CSV) plain-text files uploaded to a Drupal File field as a themeable HTML table.
  • AblePlayer: Able Player is a fully accessible cross-browser media player created by accessibility specialist Terrill Thompson. It uses the HTML5 <audio> or <video> element for browsers that support them.

Serialization and Metadata

  • Advanced Search: The Advanced Search module provides keyword search, field search, boolean search, and search within collections and sub collections
  • Rest OAI-PMH: This modules exposes entities as Dublin Core in an OAI-PMH endpoint using Views, REST, and a metadata mapping module of your choice.
  • Advanced Queue Runner: This module provides a way to run Advanced queue automatically as daemon without manually using a Drush command or running a Cron job.
  • Recogito Integration: Incorporates the Recogito JS library into web pages for easy creation and tagging of textual annotations. Further support is provided for Image Annotation (annotorious) using the OpenSeadragon viewer.
  • JSON-LD REST SERVICES: This module provides a JSON-LD format for REST via a custom serializer that uses your site's RDF mappings.
  • Linked Data Lookup Field: Autocomplete URIs from various endpoints.

Migration from Islandora Legacy

  • Migrate Islandora CSV: This module is a tutorial (read the README) that will introduce you to using the Drupal 8/9/(10) Migrate tools to create Islandora content in Drupal.
Supporting organizations: 
This module is stewarded by the Islandora Foundation, which helps organize community volunteers to actively maintain this code.

Project information
