Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

About deGov

deGov is the first Drupal 8 distribution focussing on the needs of (German) governmental organisations. It uses Acquia Lightning as a basis and extends this it with valuable functions to meet use cases with different scenarios.
Full overview what deGov can do on deGov.de

Our Use Cases

  • Websites for governmental organisations from all levels (federal, regional, local) to publish information
  • Service-oriented E-Government portals to close the gap between citizens and your administration
  • Citizen Engagement portals to discuss and decide online
  • Open311 portals for civic issue tracking
  • Open data portals to publish and create communities around data
  • Intranet/Extranet for government employees

Find us in #deGov for Feedback and Support


Join now: https://drupal.slack.com/messages/degov



Try out deGov


Try on Platform.sh(30 day free trial account for new users)

We love composer and we hope you too!

Use the following command to install deGov with composer:

composer create-project degov/degov:dev-master MYPROJECT --no-interaction

Composer will create a new directory called MYPROJECT. Inside this newly created directory you will find the entire code base of the deGov distribution. You should be able to install it like any other Drupal site by using Drush or through the UI.

We need your help! - Contribute to deGov

Are you interested in contributing for deGov? Contributors are Drupal's most valuable asset, and are the sole force behind improvements to the platform and the community itself.

We want to continuously improve and create! How can you help?

- You can use and reference deGov!
- Ask for improvements and/or file for issues.
- Contribute patches.

Commercial Professional Support

For support, mail us at mail@degov.org or contact us here.


Supporting organizations:

publicplan GmbH Building the distribution and government focus
1xINTERNET GmbH Building the distribution
Reinblau Community and networking

Supporting organizations: 
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Project information

  • Created by iampuma on , updated