GPA Calculator


This module provides schools with a GPA calculator to use in a block. The gpa calculator form initially display 6 rows with 3 columns (Class/Course Name, Grade, Credits Earned). It has the ability to dynamically add more rows. The form also has a section for cumulative (past) GPA and Credits Earned as part of the calculation.


  • The instructions/description section under the header is configurable.
  • Administrators also have the ability to customize the title by amending the title with a school name to personalize the calculator.
  • Finally, the Grade select boxes themselves are configurable with validation to ensure the option values are numerical for correct calculations. If the Grades setting is left blank then the select options will be filled with hard coded values.


I pledge that GPA Calculator will have a full Drupal 8 release on the day that Drupal 8 is released.

Javascript enabled on users' browsers

Project information
