Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

NOTE: This sandbox code no longer works with the latest D8 beta version and has been replaced with new code that is actually part of the 8.x-3.x branch of Features itself. So for work on Features 8.x please see the normal Features project and issue queue.

Previous original text of this sandbox is below:

This is an experimental rewrite of the Features module for Drupal 8. The architecture of configuration management in Drupal core has replaced the guts of Features, but the module will live on to expedite and automate the tasks of configuration sharing and distribution-building.

Our goal is not to recreate the previous Features module on top of CMI. It is to identify how some of the same goals can be realized from the Contrib perspective.

Current Mission

  • Identify capabilities needed in Features-style* site-building and distribution maintenance.
  • Determine if those capabilities exist and implement first-pass automation with Drush wrappers.

More Thoughts

Like configuration but maybe not Features? Please help improve Configuration Management in core with the CMI initiative.

Version & Active Work

This version of Features will be 8.x-3.x. It is a whole new architecture for a whole new version of Drupal.

Active (highly experimental) work is being done in the 8.x-3.x-grayside branch. You can view the code in progress.

Project information