Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides Washington State destination-based sales tax calculation for Drupal Commerce. The state of Washington requires sales tax to be calculated based on the destination to which a product is delivered rather than the location of the business selling the product. Because the sales tax is a combination of a state sales tax plus county and city sales taxes (which vary according to the county or city) it is not possible to use a fixed rate set with Commerce Tax to calculate the sales tax for Washington locations. This module uses a web service provided by the Washington Department of Revenue that provides the appropriate tax rate given a particular address. The rate is then passed to Commerce Tax by a Rules action, so you will still have all the flexibility of the Rules-based Commerce Tax module to set conditions and apply taxes as required by your situation.

To do:
- Tax reporting #1427698: Support needed reporting for WA taxes

Based on the module Washington State Sales Tax for Ubercart.

Project information

  • Module categories: E-commerce
  • Created by gilgabar on , updated