This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


The ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) module gives the ability to export and denormalize any kind of content. Basically you are able to select content types or custom entities to be exported into a destination database. It also gives you the possibility to alter the data before persist it.


This module requires the following modules:


This project has been sponsored by CI&T.


No special installation requirements.


* Mandatory configuration:

  • Set up the desired destination database on settings.php:
    $conf['etl_database_username'] = 'username';
    $conf['etl_database_password'] = 'password';
    $conf['etl_database_database'] = 'database';
    $conf['etl_database_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['etl_database_driver'] = 'pgsql';
    $conf['etl_database_port'] = '';
  • It is required to list all the desired entities to be exported.
     * Implements hook_etl_load_entities_info().
    function MYMODULE_etl_load_entities_info() {
      return array(
        'article' => array(
          'entity' => 'node',
          'destination_table' => 'article',
          'bundle' => 'article',

* Useful hooks to alter entities data:

  • hook_etl_entity_load_data_alter(&$entity_data, $info); Gives you the possibility to change the entire data before it is persisted.
  • hook_etl_get_field_parser_value_alter(&$field_value, $machine_name, $field); Alter a specific field more granular.
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
