Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module is used for local development along side the Gruntjs grunt-contrib-watch npm.


Configuration settings needed for LiveReload to work locally without a browser plugin or extra code in your .tpl file (that can mistakenly be forgotten when pushed to production).

Move, or copy, the livereload_insert directory into the Drupal
modules directory, 'sites/all/modules' and enable.

Add the following to the Drupal settings file 'sites/default/settings.php'.

// LiveReload Insert - set the URL path of your local environment.
$conf['livereload_insert_local_path'] = 'local.example'; // leave off "http://" or "https://"

// LiveReload Insert - set LiveReload port. Default port is 35729.
$conf['livereload_insert_local_port'] = '3001';

Project information