Change module name with link
Change theme name with link

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The goal of this small module is to transform module and theme name by link to their project page if the data project is in their .info file.

If it was a hack in core it will be for the module list, in the file, function _system_modules_build_row($info, $extra) :

$form['name'] = array('#markup' => $info['name']);

would become :

if (isset($info['project'])) {
  $form['name'] = array('#markup' => l($info['name'], '' . $info['project']));
else {
  $form['name'] = array('#markup' => $info['name']);

If it was a hack in core it will be for the theme list, in the file, in function theme_system_themes_page($variables) :

$output .= '<div class="'. join(' ', $theme->classes) .'">' . $screenshot . '<div class="theme-info"><h3>' . $theme->info['name'] . ' ' . (isset($theme->info['version']) ? $theme->info['version'] : '') . $notes . '</h3><div class="theme-description">' . $description . '</div>';

would become :

if (isset($theme->info['project'])) {
  $output .= '<div class="'. join(' ', $theme->classes) .'">' . $screenshot . '<div class="theme-info"><h3>' . l($theme->info['name'], '' . $theme->info['project']) . ' ' . (isset($theme->info['version']) ? $theme->info['version'] : '') . $notes . '</h3><div class="theme-description">' . $description . '</div>';
else {
  $output .= '<div class="'. join(' ', $theme->classes) .'">' . $screenshot . '<div class="theme-info"><h3>' . $theme->info['name'] . ' ' . (isset($theme->info['version']) ? $theme->info['version'] : '') . $notes . '</h3><div class="theme-description">' . $description . '</div>';

Project information