Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Archimedes is a passive application monitoring server built on Drupal but designed to facilitate any web based application. Archimedes achieves passive application monitoring by installing an Archimedes client on your web hosted application. In Drupal's case, its installing the Archimedes Client module.

The Client collects up information about the application and sends it back to the server where the server reads it in and creates or updates the site node that represents that client on the server.

Archimedes currently collects these metrics

  • Hostname
  • Servername
  • Site Data size
  • Site Root size
  • Database details
  • Database size
  • Site instance Metrics
  • Environment (Production, Staging, Development)
  • Associated users
  • Git hash
  • Git remotes
  • Unique Identifier
  • Software specific
  • Modules, themes, etc


Some of the features of Archimedes

  • Client communitcates with the server via Email. This means the client can get around firewalls without additional firewall exemptions
  • RSA key encryption. All data collected by clients is encrypted with the servers public RSA key. Only the server can decrypt it to read the information


Create a make "stub" file in an empty directory that will soon be your Archimedes root with the following contents:

; make file for archimedes_server_profile
core = 6.x
projects[] = drupal
api = 2

; Profile.
projects[archimedes_server_profile][type] = profile
projects[archimedes_server_profile][download][type] = git
projects[archimedes_server_profile][download][url] = http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/fiasco/1116734.git

Run the stub file with drush make:

drush make <stub_filename>.make

Project information

  • Created by Josh Waihi on , updated