Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


Reinstall provides extra tools for the Drupal 8 Migrate (Migrate Plus / Migrate Tools) modules, to ease deployment from existing content, including complex hierarchies combining core entities and Paragraphs via both EntityReference and EntityReferenceRevisions.

Comparison with alternatives

Unlike Default Content and other existing similar solutions,

  • it has been designed to work with large amounts of content in the context of installing/reinstalling a complete site, not just provide a limited quantity of default content.
  • for that reason, it shortcuts some Migrate processes
  • it only provides code support via a specific Migrate Source and Migrate process plugins for specific cases, including User, Term, and File
  • actual migrations have to be written by developers building the site.

Its code base has been forked and is now maintained as part of the Entity Staging project, which is now a better version on the same concepts in most regards.

Use cases

It has been used to build a number of sites and site factories for french government agencies, France Télévisions, and companies in the Carrefour group, the latter being its main sponsor.


This code has been published on drupal.org at the suggestion of WimLeers and Daniel Wehner, to ease its continued deployment, and hopefully so that someone will either take up its maintenance or merge some of its code/ideas in another, more general-purpose module. one of its original contributors has taken up the helm and produced a more complete version, as Entity Staging. Better migrate to it.

Supporting organizations: 
Designed the module
Sponsored part of the development

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Administration Tools, Developer Tools, Import and Export
  • Created by fgm on , updated