Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Busby is a clean personal blogging theme with it’s own options panel built with the UpThemes framework. This is Drupal port of the original wordpress built using HTML5. Soon to become a subtheme of fusion with all its wonderful theme settings and options.
The wordpress theme was originally developed by http://wplift.com and released under GPLv2.

Copy the files of the theme into your themes directory.
Go to admin/build/themes and enable the theme.
If you want to have the subscribers field automated, look into this module

To Do:
1.) Make busby a subtheme of Fusion enabling all the wonderful options that
carry on from Fusion Core
2.) D7 port of Busby (High Priority)

Project information

  • Created by drupaledmonk on , updated