Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Note: this project requires PHP 5.3

Which branch is right for me?

Composer - if you want to develop new step definitions

  • Allows hinting in IDEs
  • Allows you to examine the code, especially valuable for the Mink Extension


  • Setting up takes longer
  • Managing dependencies can be finicky
  • Uses more disk space
Phar - if you want to use existing step definitions
  • Setting up is faster
  • It just works
  • It's smaller


  • No IDE hinting
  • Not as easy to examine code

Set up instructions:

Composer Branch

  1. Clone this repository
  2. In the repo root, install Composer, a PHP Dependency Manager:
    wget -nc http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
  3. Run the composer install command:
    php composer.phar install Note: This takes a little while before you start seeing any output.
  4. Copy local.behat.yml.example to local.behat.yml, making sure you're pointed at the base host you intend. You'll use this file to store settings that reflect your local environment, credentials, and other settings which don't belong in the repository.
  5. Run all tests:

Phar Branch

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Copy local.behat.yml.example to local.behat.yml, making sure you're pointed at the base host you intend. You'll use this file to store settings that reflect your local environment, credentials, and other settings which don't belong in the repository.
  3. Run all tests:
    php behat.phar

Project information

  • Created by eliza411 on , updated