Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Encore is a Drupal / Wowza Streaming Server integration module.

Planned features for version 1:

  1. Web uploading of videos via Drupal 7.X
  2. automatic creation/configuration of Flowplayer for each uploaded video via a new custom formatter
  3. Drupal SWFtools and Custom Formatters modules will no longer be needed (they were dependencies in the first non-module version of this project)
  4. simplified configuration of Wowza via Drupal interface
  5. support for secure token with Flowplayer
  6. HTML5 fallback via Flowplayer when Flash is not available
  7. simplified configuration of Flowplayer and it's supporting sub-modules
  8. Drupal filter to allow remote embedding of Wowza video streams in other Drupal sites (this is already being done at: http://www.stonybrookmedicine.edu/idea)

Any feedback appreciated! - Erich

PS - The module is only being developed for the newer Drupal 7 (and eventually Drupal 8) if you are interested in Drupal 6, please refer to the original Encore project description at http://www.ebremer.com/encore/originalproject

**** NOTE - This project is neither affiliated with nor funded by Wowza Media Systems.

Project information

  • Created by ebremer on , updated