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Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Provides the ability to bulk delete all child menu links of a menu item.

It does not remove the content nodes, just the structure.

This is designed to help rationalize old large sites that need to be re-architected into a more tag-based system because big menus don't scale..

The new UI option will be shown on the menu item edit forms, at admin/build/menu/item/{n}/edit

TODO a confirm page - this is a destructive action.

TODO - add a function to auto-tag content as it the pages are being pulled apart
- it may help to tag pages of stuff that used to be grouped together.
- This task often happens at the same time.

If your menus are just too damn big, see also BigMenu.module

@author dman - Dan Morrison New Zealand Expert Drupal Developer
@version 2010-10

Supporting organizations: 
Supported release as part of a client project

Project information

  • Created by dman on , updated