This module is used to Show a count of nodes of a particular content-type
and also number of Users of particular role type.
This module will be used for statistical and dev purposes only.


You can view the report of the count for Node and count of user in the following relative URL after installation of Node Type count module

Node Count
: "/admin/reports/node-type-count"
User Count : "/admin/reports/node-type-count/user"

Similar projects and how they are different

Count :

: Count module create a block for every content type. It make administrator to show less or more count of actual nodes.
Rather this module will give exact count of the nodes by its content type and User Count by its role.


1. Will count the number of published and unpublished nodes in particular content type which will be useful in content audit to take the report of node status.

2. This module is used to count the number of users in particular Role

Note: This module is for statistical and development purpose only.

Take a test run on!
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Choose the version which ever is needed

D8 version recommended: 8.x-1.0
D7 version recommended: 7.x-1.2

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Project information
