Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

As of 28. January 2014 i18n_panels is an official submodule of Panels

It's highly recommended to use the version shipped with the Panels module as this sandbox won't be longer maintained.

Module to integrate panels with i18n.


  • Translate panel display titles
  • Translate panel pane titels
  • Translate custom content.
    • It's possible to make any ctools content_type plugin translatable by using hook_ctools_plugin_post_alter()
    • Plugin developers can extend the plugin definition to add translation support. Readme


This is a proof of concept.
It's not recommended to use this on production sites.
The module needs patches for panels and ctools as long as the related issues aren't fixed:
Please apply the patches shipped with the module and / or visit:
Panels patch: #1179034-80: Translatable panel titles: Implement i18n_strings
Ctools patch: #1277908-118: Introduce UUIDs onto panes & displays for better exportability & features compatibility

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