Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module contains a collection of layouts and field templates for Display Suite. The included layouts and templates contain common markup patterns that are useful on any site. It also allows you to hide layouts from the "Manage Display" screen.


figure/figcaption tags with an "Image" and a "Caption" region
A page layout based on the OOCSS Media object. Contains an "Image" and a "Body" region, along with an "After" region that just continues after the floating elements.

Field Templates

Semi-standard markup for a slider, ie: <ul class="slides"><li class="slide"></li></ul>. You need to provide your own javascript, but most libraries can work with this markup. Useful for image or entity reference fields that allow multiple values.


A new tab is added to the Display Suite administration pages, called "Layouts". This page is where you can hide layouts from the "Manage Display" screen.

Since the markup provided is fairly common, the layouts tab also allows you to decide whether or not to inject the CSS for each layout.

Project information

  • Created by cyborg_572 on , updated