Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project is a simple button that provides a block with a button that "hides"
the site. This is useful for sites where the content may be sensitive or "Not
Suitable For Work". For example, for those people in vulnerable positions who
are viewing private information they may wish others not to see.

The act of hiding the page is either showing a "fake"/cached version of a real
page (so the transition is instant, or as close as can be), and/or redirecting
to a real page.

  • The button is theme-able using the Drupal theming system
  • A keyboard shortcut can be assigned that will trigger the "page hide"
  • The page cache mechanism is simple and tied to cron - it downloads the specified page daily and any images it can find
  • There are configurable options that include the button text, the keyboard shortcut, the page hiding mechanism and the URL to redirect to/cache. These configuration options are at: [your-site-domain]/admin/config/user-interface/website_hider


Project information

  • Created by crispymix on , updated