Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Evaluate a GIS solution using Leaflet post-haste!

Leaflet Kickstart is a quick way for developers to evaluate a Drupal 7 based GIS solution using the Leaflet module in combination with the Address Field, Geocoder and Geofield projects. Also included in the distribution is the Leaflet More Maps module which provides the Leaflet output with additional map styles.

This distribution is aimed more towards evaluating the collection of modules rather than a base distribution to build from (not that there's anything here to prevent you doing that). Leaflet Kickstart itself uses Buildkit as a base distribution. A number of GIS use cases are demonstrated using a custom Features module called Leaflet Kickstart Demo.


The distribution needs to be built using Drush Make. Once you've got Drush Make installed you should be able to run the following from the command line (where [directory] becomes the Drupal root for your build):

drush make --prepare-install "http://drupalcode.org/sandbox/cossovich/1764636.git/blob_plain/refs/heads/master:/distro.make" [directory]

You can also use some other Drush commands to quickly install and run the distribution using Drush's in-built run-server command. From your newly built Drupal root directory, run the following:

drush si --db-url=sqlite://sites/default/files/localdb.sqlite leaflet_kickstart --yes && drush rs /admin/reports/status --user=admin

To manually build the distribution would be possible but extremely messy. Treat Drush Make as a requirement.

Screencast Demo

For a short introduction to installation and usage checkout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4lEaFGYA9g

Not for Production Use

This is distribution is strictly for evaluation and education purposes, think of it more as some hands-on documentation. I wouldn't use it for production purposes: the distribution is using a specific revision of the 7.x-1.x branch of the Leaflet module and it also has been patched to fix some issues; what you get out of the box is a working demo.

Developed by This Little Duck.

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Created by cossovich on , updated