Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Now that Drupal 8 has made comments into Fields and can include multiple comment fields in one entity, I'd like to explore the idea of building a controlled comment response workflow.

User story

As a Brand Manager, I want to be able to respond to comments so that if someone asks a question, my answer is coupled with their question.

Architectural challenge

Given that comment is now a field, I need to expand the field's schema to allow a comment to refer to another comment. I need to restrict responding to a comment to a specified role. I need to provide a UI for responding. I need to present that UI to accounts that have that specified role. And lastly, I need to make this new field work with the comment manager.

But these sound like doable things. And if successful I can provide a solution that non-profits have asked for in the past.

Project information

  • Created by cosmicdreams on , updated