Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides integration for the EasyAccordion jQuery plugin with Views.
With EasyAccordion, you can organize any type of web content into a beautiful and user-friendly slider.

View EasyAccordion jQuery plugin demo here http://www.madeincima.eu/samples/jquery/easyAccordion/
See drupal module in action on www.rootsontheroad.nl


1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (usually sites/all/modules/).
2. Go to "Administer" > "Site Building" > "Modules" and enable the module.
3. Views displays will now offer an additional Style type called "EasyAccordion".


1. A default view called "easyaccordion" is provided. Go to "Administer" > "Site Building" > "Views" to edit the view.
2. There are a couple Style settings: skin chooser & title field selection. Skin chooser is self explanatory. Title field selection lets you choose which views field to use as the SlideDeck's vertical spline content.
3. There are a few display settings: Show slidenumbers yes/no, Enable Autoplay yes/no and Slideinterval. With Autoplay enabled, the plugin will move to the next slide every Slideinterval milliseconds.
4. To add a new skin, drop the skin folder inside of the module "skins" directory. You will now be able to select it in the EasyAccordion Style settings. The skin folder needs to follow a specific naming convention - skin name only or prefixed with "easyaccordion-skin-".

Project information