
Sends Emails to admin about the users and their details through the Drupal website

It helps admin to get the report of the users and their status without login to drupal backend via sending mails daily or monthly using drupal mail.

Hence admin can easily see the mail_ids of the users to reply them if necessary without login to admin backend to search for the mail_ids of the users

It uses the mimemail and mailsystem to send mails to admin
It send mails as plain text or HTML message format by using mimemail module

Installation and Configuration

UserDetails Emailcamp :
- Send mails to admin account about user details in drupal backend.

-Install this module.
1.Once you have installed this module, go to the admin/config/system/userdetailsemailcamp configuration page and select one option from dropdown and provide the From Address and To Address to send mails to admin.
2.Once submit the configuration page, admin will get the user details and their status based on the option selected in the configuration page when cron ran.


Project information
