Administrative area
Field example

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The Simple Help Field module adds a new field to the standard Drupal form fields to be used in help fields, description of requirements and usage examples.

This new field should be used via Form API following the example below.

Simple to use, simple to customize

No special requirements


$form['simple_help_field_example'] = array(
  '#type' => 'simple_help',
  '#simple_help_title' => 'Title',
  '#simple_help_theme' => 'simple-help-field-yellow',
  '#value' => 'The text you want here',
  '#collapsible' => TRUE,
  '#collapsed' => TRUE,


- Simple to use.
- No special requirements.
- Many field themes ready to use.
- Option for set Theme by field.
- Default values and behaviors customizable.
- Collapsable or not.
- Title fully customizable.
- Applicable via Form API.

A version for Drupal 8 is being developed and a new build will be released soon.

Project information
