Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Provides support for node or entity references as checkboxes for the references_dialog project.

Implements hook_references_dialog_widgets() to take advantage of all the great work on References Dialog:

function references_dialog_checkboxes_references_dialog_widgets() {
  return array(
    'options_buttons' => array(
      'element_type' => 'container',
      'format' => '$label [nid: $entity_id]',
      'views_query' => 'references_dialog_node_reference_views_query',
      'operations' => array(
       'add' => array(
          'function' => 'references_dialog_node_reference_add_link',
          'title' => t('Add dialog'),

This sandbox project is out here to share and improve: Currently it makes an assumption about one of the field names for callback.


  • Works with API via hook_references_dialog_widgets() to present to parent module references_dialog. This means no contrib module changes were required.
  • Adds Create [entity-type] link to the bottom of a configured checkboxes nodereference
  • On dialog successful submit and closure, ajax refreshes list of checkboxes
    ..albeit like crawling through a den of snakes..
  • Has a hardcoded fieldname specific to my use case/project

Project information