Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module/sandbox was created as a proof-of-concept for using the Face.com API for smart image cropping. The idea originates in #910142: Implement face-detection and the SmartCrop module.

This project includes 2 modules:

  • FaceAPI is a wrapper for the Face.com PHP Client (which itself is a wrapper for the REST webservice)
  • FaceCrop provides an image cache action "Face Crop", which tries to detect faces in a picture and then uses the first detected face as the center for the crop.

How to use:

  • Enable both modules
  • Signup for API keys @face.com and enter them on the FaceAPI settings page
  • Add a "Face Crop" action to one of your image presets


  • FaceAPI: the face.com client seems to only work with publicly available URLs at the moment (i.e. it won't work on a local development platform)
  • FaceAPI: Face.com has a hard time handling large files... (the recommended size on their website is up to 800px and the service seems to be unable to handle files larger than 2MB)
  • Face Crop: Multiple faces are recognised, but only the "first detected" is used
  • Face Crop: If no face is detected, it falls back to standard crop

If you are a developer you can play around with the Face.com API by calling faceapi_api($method, $args = array()). (Method names and arguments have to exist in the FaceRestClient interface)

Project information

  • caution No further development
    No longer developed by its maintainers.
  • Created by bforchhammer on , updated