Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides an API for developers to use on their custom work.

Imdb module uses imdbphp library to grab movie data from imdb title id and search titles.

Install imdbphp library version 4.1.0 or above. The path should be sites/all/libraries/imdbphp/bootstrap.php

1. Get full movie attributes from imdb title id:
$title = imdb_get_full(0390244);
It returns an object with a lot of attributes.
2. Search titles:
$titles = imdb_search("The Matrix","Movie")
It returns a number of search results

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • Module categories: Integrations
  • Created by bekirdag on , updated